




Justin Ostendorf

Reviews Justin

Market Research & Entry Manager

"Here I can make full use of my creativity and problem-solving skills."


Apprenticeship and work:
From the North to the South of Germany

My professional career began with an apprenticeship as a foreign trade merchant in my hometown near Oldenburg, in the north of Germany, followed by a year of work experience in the sales of car spare parts. Driven by the desire to develop myself further, I then decided to study International Management, which led me to the Lower Franconian capital of Würzburg. At the end of my studies, I had the opportunity to join Iqony Sens as a working student in the Market Research & Entries department while I wrote my bachelor's thesis.

This department mainly deals with the analysis and evaluation of international markets and their actors. Through my degree programme in International Management, I had a good theoretical basis for this area. After I handed in my bachelor thesis, I was offered a permanent position with an extended area of responsibility in the same department. I have now been working as Market Research & Entry Manager at Iqony Sens in Würzburg since October 2022.



Co-design and freedom

One of the highlights of my work at Iqony Sens is the variety of tasks and the associated freedom. I have the opportunity to work on my own projects and can take on a lot of responsibility. The framework in which I work is broad and allows me to fully exploit my creativity and problem-solving skills. I also appreciate the fact that I work in a young department where my opinion counts and I can actively participate in strategic issues such as the direction of the department or the handling of new projects. There are no predefined rigid structures here - we can and should help shape our department ourselves.



Flexible working hours and locations

A big advantage of my work at Iqony Sens is the absolute flexibility in terms of working hours and location. I had the opportunity to move my place of residence to Munich and thus spend less time in the office. This flexibility allows me to balance work and private life well.



Working environment:
Young, open, motivated

The team I work with is young and open, and the integration was not difficult at all. A personal level is created by a informal corporate culture based on people being on first-name terms. Short decision-making channels and reduced hierarchical barriers simplify coordination and streamline processes. The motivation of my colleagues is contagious and we always have an open ear for each other, which allows us to achieve a lot together. Although the company is growing strongly and the work intensity is high, there is a strong cohesion in the team.

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