Application Tips
Contact us nowTips for a successful application.
Submitting a strong application is the first step towards a rewarding career at Iqony Sens. Here are a few tips to help turn your unique profile into a great application.
The right position for you
Did you already find your dream job at Iqony Sens, or would you like to submit a speculative application?
Your dream job
Read the job vacancy carefully and thoroughly. The tasks described should closely correspond to what you imagined your dream job to be, and your skills should ideally match the requirements mentioned.
You may find current vacancies here.
Speculative application
Feel free to send us a speculative application if you can’t find a suitable position at the moment. Note that it’s all the more important to us, for your speculative cover letter, that you broadly elaborate on your qualifications, letting your personality shine through.
You can send us your speculative application here.
Your documents
We’ll let you know what’s proper to include in your cover letter and what we think makes a great CV.
Cover letter
Correct grammar and spelling with a smooth style are very impressive – that much is obvious. However, we are particularly interested in why you want to work with us and how you are just the right candidate for the advertised position. If you apply via your LinkedIn or XING profile, there’s no need to submit a cover letter (but of course we’re always happy to hear more about your motivations and experiences).
What you should look out for:
- Wording
- Letting your personality shine through
- Telling us what exactly you would like to accomplish at SENS in the field of renewable energy
- Reminding us how you found out about SENS
- No larger nor more than a single German-standard A4 page
What your CV should look like:
- List previous positions and experiences, as well as your social commitment(s) and give us an insight into your other activities, responsibilities and projects (most recent at the top)
- Use subheadings and bullet points for clarity
- Photo? Not necessary! If you’d like to include a photo, make sure it’s high-quality and shows you in professional attire.
- Maximum 1-2 German-standard A4 pages
Other documents
Sometimes less is more – no need to send us more than the relevant documents. These include:
- Graduation certificates & work references
- Professional certificates
- Other relevant (e.g. linguistic) certificates
- etc.
Starting date & desired salary
In finalising your application, don’t forget to indicate your earliest possible starting date and your salary expectations. Your potential salary plays an important role in the application process, especially for permanent positions.
Looking to apply for a work-study program or an internship? Just let us know about your earliest starting date.
Preparing for the interview
Thorough preparation for the interview is essential, so find out more about Iqony Sens ahead of time and think about any questions you’d like to ask us. Whether digitally or in-person – win us over with your unique personality and sterling skills!
Dress code
Don’t worry, you don’t have to squeeze into a suit for us – our dress code is business casual. The most important thing is that you feel comfortable and ready to tell us more about you.
If you are invited to a video call, you will receive an invitation link via e-mail. This will redirect you to the Microsoft Office Teams platform. For the smoothest experience, try using the Teams app on your PC (if available) or simply log in via your browser. Your camera and microphone should be activated for the interview.
Test out your device in advance to ensure all technical requirements are met.
During the interview
Make sure you’re authentic during the interview – we want to get to know the real you and why you’re a perfect fit for SENS!
- Our attention will be 100% on you, so we likewise expect the same
- Being early for the interview is always better than arriving late
- Prefer honesty over exaggeration
- Let us in on some personal, professional insights
- Share learning experiences and stories from your previous positions
And most importantly? Have fun! Fostering a relaxed atmosphere for you to truly shine in is vital for our hiring team. If there’s a funny anecdote to go along with your experiences, we’re all ears!
You have an in-person interview at one of our locations? Make sure to look up the route ahead of time, including how long it takes.
Our head office in Würzburg can be tough to find the first time. We provide you with a route description.
Want an insider tip?
Get some interesting insider tips from Diana and Daniel from the HR department at Iqony Sens on how to make your application process a success.
We are looking for employees who are passionate about working together with us on the energy transition - on an equal footing in a strong, motivated team and, above all, with fun for the cause.
Be yourself! Each of the more than 350 SENSineers is unique and therefore just what makes our highly talented team so effective. How do you stand out?
It’s a match! – Show us why you fit in at Iqony Sens and we’ll show you why you should work for us.
Shape your future! – At Iqony Sens, you have the opportunity to actively shape the energy transition along with your personal development. How would you like your personal development to continue?
Future-oriented, collegial, international
Do you enjoy international projects, appreciate a great team atmosphere and want to make the world a little bit better? Take your chance with us at Iqony Sens and shape the future with 100% Good Energy.