




SENS LSG GmbH is supporting Bulgaria in its energy transition with a first 66 MWp solar project

Sunny days for the Bulgarian energy mix

SENS LSG GmbH is supporting Bulgaria in its energy transition with a first 66 MWp solar project


Bulgaria – a country still heavily dependent on fossil energy but striving for a more sustainable energy mix. The aim is to achieve a 25 percent share of renewable energy by 2030 through massive expansion, and the goal is clear: renewable energy should replace fossil fuels and thus counteract the climate crisis. SENS LSG GmbH, the joint venture between Iqony Sens and LSG, is helping to achieve the target by implementing its first 66 MWp solar project in Bulgaria. 

66 MWp completed in Bulgaria

Iqony Sens, based in Würzburg, realised a 66 MWp high-performance solar project in Bulgaria together with LSG, its joint venture partner from Vienna. SENS LSG GmbH implemented the solar park with a single-axis tracking system in the municipality of Dalgo Pole. Numbering more than 122,300, these solar modules follow the position of the sun during the course of the day, generating about 100,000 MWh of renewable energy annually.

Construction work on the project began as of March this year. A few months later, the solar plant is up and connected to the local grid. “The speed of construction combined with the high quality shows that the LSG Group and SENS work successfully together on the expansion of solar energy for many years, and will do so in the future, too. We’re a well-coordinated team and can implement even the most complex projects efficiently”, explains Fabian Herr, COO of Iqony Sens.


Joint commitment to the energy transition in Bulgaria

The recently completed solar project won’t be the last, however. SENS LSG wants to actively promote the expansion of renewable energy in Bulgaria, having already planned another solar park in the country. Construction work for a further 50 MWp of solar capacity is due to start in November.

“We recognised the potential of the European East early on”, says Karl Göth, Managing Director of the LSG Group. “But until now, the country’s approval for the expansion of solar energy has been lacking. Thanks to the climate target set by the EU, we can now use Bulgaria’s climatic and ecological potential to tackle large solar parks sooner rather than later. Together with Iqony Sens, we're achieving a great deal for the future of the country in a relatively short time”, Mr Göth is happy to report.


Future energy mix in Bulgaria

Bulgaria’s energy supply is currently largely based on fossil fuels, making a timely solution for the energy transition towards renewable energy such as wind and solar. It’s the only way the country can make a fitting contribution to the European Union’s climate goals. By 2030, 25% of Bulgaria’s energy consumption is to be generated from renewable energy. High investment in the sector will help it expand over the next eight years, facilitating attractive conditions for building further projects involving sun and wind.

With the 66 MWp solar park already up and the 50 megawatt project planned out, SENS LSG GmbH is signalling a positive change in Bulgaria’s energy potential.

Key data of the completed solar park in Bulgaria:

Number of modules                    > 122.300       
Total output 66.047 MWp
Total electricity generated per year 103,363 MWh
CO2 savings 14.500 tons

Published: 29.09.2022

Pictures: LSG Group

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