




SENS built a solar park in Zafra, Spain

Salud to the sun!

Iqony Sens inaugurates a high-performance solar project in Spain with a capacity of over 8 MWp


The warm midday sun in the south of Spain already brings summer temperatures at this time of year. While some people in Germany would like to exchange this weather for the current April weather, the Spanish colleagues from Iqony Sens were sweating it out at the opening event of a solar park. At 28 degrees and bright sunshine, the 8 MWp solar park in Zafra was duly inaugurated. The attendees were not only able to replenish their vitamin D budget, but also to gain exciting insights into the construction of the solar project.

Vitamin D and Good Energy

The inauguration ceremony of the 8 MWp solar project in Zafra, Spain, took place at the end of March. The project manager Rafael Córdoba from Iqony Sens, other colleagues from SENS Ibérica, the subsidiary of Iqony Sens, as well as local press representatives were present. The completion of the project was celebrated in bright sunshine.


Inauguration of solar park in Zafra | SENS

Inauguration ceremony of an 8 MWp solar project in Zafra (from left to right: Jose Carlos Contreras – Mayor of Zafra, Oscar Page – Managing Director SENS Ibérica, Nieves Peña – 1st Vice Mayor of Zafra, Rafael Cordoba – Project Manager SENS Ibérica)

Connecting to the grid with an evacuation system

By the time of the inauguration ceremony of the solar project, SENS Ibérica as project developer and EPC service provider had installed almost 19,000 modules. These now provide about 17,500 MWh of renewable energy from sunlight, which is available in the Extremadura region almost all year round.

The project in Zafra is divided into two individual parks, which are part of the 144 MWp Colmena Pipeline of Iqony Sens in Spain. The project names reflect the respective total output of the individual parks: the first construction phase (project name "Zafra 3") has a total output of 3.3 MWp, while the second phase (project name "Zafra 5") has 5 MWp.

In order to be able to feed the electricity into the local grid, an evacuation system was set up by Iqony Sens: the electricity from Zafra 3 is thus transmitted to the control centre, which is located in the Zafra 5 solar park. "All the energy generated is collected there, from where an overhead line consisting of 18 towers has been laid with a final subway section that enters the Zafra substation", explains Córdoba. All the energy generated is collected there and fed into the regional distribution network.


Archaeological find stops construction

The laying of the overhead line soon brought the project to a standstill: archaeological remains were found during the digging, which were first excavated and analysed.

The final construction work was then able to start again in December last year and has now been completed. The final connection of the two parks to the grid will be completed in the following weeks.

In addition, Iqony Sens will take care of the two plants as O&M.

The solar parks at a glance:

  Zafra 3 Zafra 5
Hectare approx. 9 ha approx. 13 ha
Number of modules approx. 7,500 approx. 11,200
Annual electricity generation 6,900 MWh 10,600 MWh
Total power 3.3 MWp 5 MWp
CO2 savings approx. 2,500 Tons approx. 3,800 Tons

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Images: Iqony Sens

Published: 12.04.2023

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