




From 2020 SENS will train

Start of training 2020

Vocational training at Iqony Sustainable Energy Solutions

The photovoltaic industry is a huge growth market with future opportunities. From 2020, Iqony Sustainable Energy Solutions (former STEAG Solar Energy Solutions) will therefore be offering young people the opportunity to enter the solar business directly.

"We are pleased to offer vocational training at SENS from 2020," says Julia Eigen, HR team leader at Iqony Sens. "In the future, the apprentices will complement our young and dynamic team and support our departments at the Würzburg location in exciting international projects."

Become a #SENSineer

For the start of training in 2020, Iqony Sens is looking for

an IT specialist in systems integration (m/f/d) to support the in-house IT department,

an Office Management Assistant (m/f/d) and

an technical systems planner (m/f/d), who will be active in project management at Iqony Sens.

At Iqony Sens, qualified trainers support the apprentices in their departments and provide the necessary know-how for their daily tasks step by step. By providing individual support, our committed team lays the foundation for the professional career of the Iqony Sens apprentices.

The apprentices also attend vocational school in Würzburg. There they are taught the theoretical knowledge and skills they need for their professional activities in the company.

Career start with benefits

As an excellent employer, apprentices at Iqony Sens also benefit from a large number of corporate advantages:

  • An appropriate training allowance with annual graduation
  • Flexible working hours
  • A young, dynamic team
  • Flat hierarchies and plenty of creative leeway
  • Exciting, international projects
  • Company pension scheme
  • Professional health management with yoga classes, soccer matches and massages
  • Healthy dishes, freshly prepared every day by the company's own chef
  • Free fresh fruit and drinks at the workplace
  • An office building with modern equipment

Interested parties can find the current job offers for apprentices and further information on apprenticeships at Iqony Sens on the website. Apply now!


Foto: Dominik Marx/Jessica Sommer

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