Iqony Sens is a Great Place to Work
Iqony Sens receives award as a Great Place to Work employer
Early morning, as the sun’s rays enter the modern, glazed office building, the working day begins for the SENSineers in Würzburg. The international environment with increasingly more new goals, markets and challenges can be mastered only with passion and team spirit. All the more important for companies to provide working conditions that raise employee satisfaction. But what actually makes a good workplace? Janina Schaub, Head of Human Resources, and her team tackle this question together with the international research and consulting institute "Great Place to Work".
The Great Place to Work model
Great Place to Work helps companies in around 60 countries to develop their corporate and workplace culture. The aim is to raise overall satisfaction in order to counteract issues such as staff retention and days off sick.
The Great Place to Work Institute carries out anonymous employee surveys on which certification is based. Every year, particularly excellent employers receive awards for their performance.
At the heart of the employee survey is the measurement of five dimensions, including credibility, respect, fairness, pride and camaraderie, which employees grade in five categories based on statements. In addition to the survey, companies have the opportunity to take part in employer benchmarking using the results. The Great Place to Work survey is an initiative that involves more than 600 companies of all sizes every year from all over Germany.
Result: Iqony Sens is a very good employer
One of the participants this year was Iqony Sens. An anonymous survey of our employees took place in June and July, while a management survey asked about HR measures at the same time. The survey participation rate was a pleasing 81 %. At the end of the process, the results in the first Overall Organisation Report were compared with those of employers categorised as "Good". An organisation is described as "Good" if it is among the best 40 % of all employers. The second Overall Organisation Report compares Iqony Sens´s results with employers with performances classed as "Excellent". An organisation is described as "Excellent" if it is among the best 5 % of all employers.
Iqony Sens was placed overall in the "Very good" category. This category contains all the employers that achieved an overall satisfaction rating of between 72 % and 86 %. Overall, Iqony Sens had a satisfaction rating of 86 % and is therefore only one percentage point away from being among the best 5 % of all employers.
Sensational Place to Work
"I would like to thank all our employees again for taking part! Our objective was to gain an overall view of employee satisfaction at Iqony Sens. We are delighted with this result, but we would, of course, like to become even better and make a Great Place to Work for All into a sensational Place to Work!" says Janina Schaub, Head of Human Resources. Managing Director André Kremer is also pleased: "Iqony Sens is not only an employer brand, it is also an ethos. We sell "Good Energy" in the form of our solar solutions but are also committed to good energy in our daily dealings with one another. I am particularly happy that we have succeeded in retaining our special Iqony Sens spirit despite our rapid growth and the difficult conditions during the pandemic. Our team continues to grow. However, we are at the same time conscious that it is our personal touch, passion and team spirit that make us what we are today and what we wish to be in the future."
Image: Dominik Marx