




Gadebusch Iqony Solar Energy Solutions

Grid connection of pv plant Gadebusch

STEAG Solar Energy Solutions realises photovoltaic project in Gadebusch

Recycling of a different kind is now taking place in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: The site of a former landfill in Gadebusch has been used for several days to generate renewable energy. GILDEMEISTER energy solutions (now operating as Iqony Sustainable Energy Solutions) has set up a large scale photovoltaic system there on an area of about two hectare. The first two construction sections, each 750 kWp, have now been successfully connected to grid.

The Würzburg photovoltaic experts planned the project and act as the main contractor for the project. The solar park comprises four construction sections with a total output of 3 MWp. Completion is planned for 2020.

The solar park was commissioned by Vario green energy Concept GmbH based in Dettenhausen, which specializes in the realization and procurement of photovoltaic systems. Sunotec GmbH has been commissioned with the construction and assembly of the solar modules. The investor and plant operator of the Gadebusch solar park is Consilium Erneuerbare Energien eG.

After completion, Iqony Sens remains responsible for Gadebusch and received the contract for the service of the large scale project and will take over the technical management.

Another success story coming from the utility scale sector is the commissioning of the photovoltaic park in Oranienbaum (Saxony-Anhalt).


Picture: Tobias Gäbel

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