




Free kick for solar energy

Iqony Sens installs rooftop PV system for the Würzburger Kickers


The Würzburger Kickers have found a local project partner in Iqony Sens and taken up climate neutrality for their club. Within two weeks, the photovoltaic service provider from Würzburg erected a 30 kWp PV system at the football club’s offices, covering the building’s needs and providing Good Energy for the Kickers.

92 PV modules providing Good Energy

The Würzburger Kickers suddenly had 92 new supporters on their roof in less than two weeks – solar modules from a 30 kWp rooftop PV system generating 29,000 kWh of green electricity annually. “Thanks to the Iqony Sens system, we can now cover a large part of our electricity needs at the office with our own energy, which saves nearly 11 tonnes of CO2 every year”, says Matthis Frankenstein, Head of Marketing & Communications at the Kickers. “The absolutely uncomplicated, collegial and committed cooperation with our local partner Iqony Sens was the most exciting part for me. They provided us with excellent technical support before and during the implementation of the project”, Matthis continues.

Cooperating as project partners

The newly completed rooftop PV system as well as the charging stations for electric and hybrid vehicles (installed last year) are part of an overall energy concept that Iqony Sens developed for the Kickers. The aim is to support and advise the club on its path to climate neutrality. “We’ve found a great deal to agree on in our sustainability goals and the way we work together. It’s all uncomplicated, friendly and focused on teamwork”, says André Kremer in summing up the project (CEO of Iqony Sens).


SENS baut eine Dachanlage auf die Geschäftstelle der Würzburger Kickers

Iqony Sens charging stations at the Würzburger Kickers office

Climate neutrality in professional football

"We know that we can only achieve our goal of becoming a climate-neutral football club in collaboration with strong partners. In Iqony Sens, we have found the right local, personal and ambitious project partner," explains Frankenstein.


Pictures: Würzburger Kickers

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