World cup betting game for charity
Iqony Sustainable Energy Solutions donates to the Würzburger Tafel e.V.
For this year’s football World Cup the team of Iqony Sens held a betting game. The employees have paid diligently in a donation basket for attending, so that in total 300 euros have been collected. The winner of the betting game may decide which charity should be supported. The regional Würzburger Tafel e.V. is now pleased about 300 euros. 'The donation of Iqony Sens will be put into the running costs of our cars‘, the chairman Andreas Mensing explains, 'which are used for picking up food from supermarkets for our shops.‘
The betting game was organised by the works council. In total 30 employees have voted for their favourites. On one or two football evenings the team have cheered together. 'It’s nice to see how the team have grown together further through the betting game‘, the member of works council Birthe Helms is pleased.
Picture: Barbara Duna