




SENS connects solar park with 20 MWp to the grid for customer Enertrag

Wind and weather resistant

Iqony Sens connects a solar park with a capacity of 20 MWp to the grid for the customer Enertrag in the northeast of Germany


Gramzow is a small community in the Uckermark, a region in northeastern Germany. The Uckermark is characterised by its numerous lakes as well as its rich history and historical charm. Manor houses, churches and half-timbered houses bear witness to an eventful past and give the region a special character. However, there is by no means stagnation here: the Uckermark has developed into a showcase region for renewable energy. Solar projects play an important role in the region's energy supply. The Uckermark is striving to reduce its carbon footprint and further expand the share of renewable energy. This is where a future-oriented mindset meets a traditional environment.

20 MWp for the Uckermark region

In the winter of last year, Iqony Sens started the construction of a 20 MWp solar park in Gramzow, Uckermark, as EPC service provider for the customer Enertrag. After successful EEG (Renewable Energies Act, in German: Erneuerbare Energien Gesetz) commissioning in March and May of this year, the grid connection took place in July. Since then, the solar park is now expected to produce 20,000 MWh of renewable energy per year, saving approximately 9,000 tonnes of CO2 annually.

There were special requirements for the construction of the substructure and the 36,000 solar modules, which the team already took into account during the planning phase. These resulted from the weather conditions in the winter months and the geographical location between the neighbouring nature reserve, a railroad line and the A20 motorway.

Much weather, little area

The nature in Gramzow did not always show its friendliest side. The Uckermark region can be harsh and unpredictable, and the weather conditions put the project team to the test. Especially in the winter months, the site was wet, stormy and sometimes as cold as minus ten degrees. The exceptionally high attacking wind loads were therefore already taken into account in the design of the substructure.

Another important aspect that influenced the project implementation was the limited land use possibilities due to strict environmental regulations. Fabian Herr, COO of Iqony Sens, explains how this situation was dealt with: "Such environmental regulations are a hurdle, but by no means an obstacle to the construction of solar parks. Through careful planning and close cooperation with the relevant authorities, we have been able to make optimal use of the scarce space at the site for renewable energy generation, taking into account nature conservation and archaeological requirements."

"We profited from the fact that the Uckermark region has an exceptional interest in the development of renewable energy," Herr continues. The state government has ambitious plans to drive the region's transformation into a sustainable energy source.

Good Energy for Enertrag

The customer Enertrag is a pioneer in the field of renewable energy and shares the vision with Iqony Sens to create a green and sustainable future - a future with 100% Good Energy.

The project at a glance:

Location Gramzow
Solar modules 36,000
Total output 20 MWp
Total annual energy generation 20,000 MWh
CO2 savings per year 9,000 Tons
Construction phase November 2022 - July 2023


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Picture: Iqony Sens, Partners

Date: 23 August 2023


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