Utility Scale Solarpark for Mongolia
Solar park Sainshand as an improvement for the local infrastructure
An outstanding project has been realised in the Mongolian desert Gobi: Iqony Sens and LSG Group built the first utility scale solar project of this size on an area of 330 hectare.
The figures of the park, which will be connected to the Mongolian power grid, are impressive: It has a performance of 30 MW, will produce 57.000 MWh a year and will provide the 27000 households of the neighbouring city Sainshand with green energy. But not only this forecast is charming but also the location of the park. It is situated at the Chinese Silk Road and the Transmongolian Railroad passes the property.
On the antique Silk Road products like silk, gold and silver we dealed once. Today high-quality PV components are delivered from Europe and China towards the Mongolian desert.
“This perfect supply chain facilitated the transport in the construction period”, explains Project Manager Kurt-Stuart Ristl. At least round about 250 containers of a size of 20 foot had to be moved to get steel construction, modules, power inverters and the other materials at site. The ideal conditions ensured that the delivery was finished just in time before the freezing Mongolian winter. Meanwhile the construction work is nearly done and the commissioning stage is about to start
The pioneering project has been enabled by Desert Solar Power, a company of United Green. It is also financed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development as well as by the Dutch Bank for Development.
The project aim is to improve the Mongolian energy independence. During the construction period but also in the following time local companies will be involved and therefore supported. The solar park of Sainshand is considered to be an improvement for the local infrastructure, it will be integrated into the landscape in an ecological manner and will save about 45.000 CO² a year compared to conventional energy production. With regard to the future the Mongolian train passengers might be also traveling on a basis of 100% green power.
Update: The company has been operating as Iqony Sustainable Energy Solutions GmbH (Iqony Sens for short) since June 2024.
Picture: Kurt-Stuart Ristl