Two new PV projects as of autumn 2019
In Gadebusch and Oranienbaum Iqony Sens realises two PV projects by the end of October.
Project development is finished, the construction field is prepared, and the first materials are at the site: In Gadebusch in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern the pile driving for the sub-construction of the latest large scale solar project of Iqony Sens starts today.
A total amount of 3MWp will be installed and constructed as a turnkey solution by the PV experts from Würzburg. The project starts with the first of four construction sections each 750kWp. The modules will be installed on a former dump, that will thereby find a new reasonable use. The challenge at this location is that the connection point to grid is around two kilometres away: “the area has to be developed in terms of the medium-voltage pipes which makes the rather small project a bit more ambitious”, says Fabian Herr, Head of Projects at Iqony Sens.
The well-coordinated team will move on to a further site after the completion in Gadebusch: The next one is in Oranienbaum in the region Sachsen-Anhalt. At this site the first of three sections (each also 750kWp) has already been realised in 2017, the second one starts right now and the third one will be finished in 2019. The connection to grid will be also in this year´s October according to Gadebusch, because the project structure is not that difficult.
Picture: Tobias Gäbel